Successful annual Pumpkin Parade brings out the best of pumpkin carvers

(It was a cold night, but that didn’t stop the Hodgdon family from entering their intricately carved pumpkins at the Stittsville Pumpkin Parade held on November 1st at Village Square Park. Lexi (middle) placed first in the children’s category and Dad, Dallas, first in the adult’s carving contest. Photos: Madison Costeira/Stittsville Central)

Once again, Stittsville brought nothing short of their best work to the 11th annual Pumpkin Parade. There were so many interesting and unique pumpkins this year – from Disney, Avatar, Star Wars, Barbie, and so much more!

People of all ages had a blast at Village Square Park looking through the lit-up pumpkins and voting on their favourites, gawking at the Michael Jackson Skele-bration display, browsing through the Market at the Barn, and enjoying some delicious hot chocolate.

Congratulations are in order for the talented Hodgdon family with pumpkins A12 and B8, who placed first in both the children and adult’s carving contest with their intricate designs.

A big thank you also goes out to Trevor Eggleton and his daughters Kaya and Lilia, who continue to orchestrate a beautiful and community-gathering event each and every year.

“I believe it’s our tenth or eleventh year,” said Trevor, “and we’re hoping for a bigger turnout next year.”

Kaya agreed and mentioned that they are looking into experimenting with some more fun activities for the kids to do during the event next year.

And once again this year, pumpkin carvers didn’t have to worry about taking their pumpkins home, since Eco West Enders had arranged for the carved pumpkins to be delivered to a local pig farm so that the animals could enjoy a belated Halloween snack.

Make sure to stop by Village Park Square on November 1st next year, and consider submitting your carved pumpkins in the annual Pumpkin Carving Contest to win some interesting prizes and have a blast with your community.


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