Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society presents garden tour donation to Jo-Jo’s Community Garden

(Ian Frei, President of the Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society, presents donation from the Society’s garden tour to Kim Bonin of Jo-Jo’s Community Garden on August 20, 2019. Photo: Stittsville Central)

The Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society (SGHS) had a fair weather day for their garden tour fundraiser. Members of the public enjoyed the day by touring eight local backyard gardens, all in full splendour, for the July 13th tour.

The brilliance and variety of the gardens toured offered something for all participants. Ideas were inspired by each garden and participants could see and learn how flowers and plants can be incorporated into their own backyards.

    (Above are some of the flowers in MaryLou O’Rourke’s garden. Photo: MaryLou O’Rourke)

The garden tour is an annual event held by SGHS with a donation to local horticulture projects from the funds raised. Ian Frei, President of the SGHS, was delighted to be able to present this year’s donation of $500.00 to Kim Bonin, Manager of Jo-Jo’s Community Garden.

Present at the cheque presentation were: Ian Frei, MaryLou O’Rourke, Brenda Raid and Kim Bonin – all members of the Horticultural Society. Photo: Stittsville Central)

The gardeners who graciously presented their backyards were: Freda Higgins; Susan Waters; Cecilia Troy; Debbie Wright; Susie Watson, MaryLou O’Rourke; Brenda Raid at the Carleton-Cathcart Apartments; and Jo-Jo’s Community Garden.

(MaryLou O’Rourke’s tranquil garden space. Photo: MaryLou O’Rourke)

Kim Bonin, who inspired everyone with her idea of a community garden in Stittsville, was pleased to accept the donation and she knows exactly what the money will be used for. “I’m going to buy dirt. The garden needs some good topsoil to add to the existing plots and this money will go a long way in helping us do this,” said Kim with a huge smile.

(Garden plots and sunflowers at Jo-Jo’s Community Garden. Photo: Stittsville Central)

SGHS thanks the eight gardeners who came forward to share their beautiful gardens resulting in another successful garden tour for the Society.




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