Category: Community
Ringette for the upcoming months – activities postponed or cancelled
The West Ottawa Ringette Association (WORA) Executive is sharing information with the public about changes that will have an effect on ringette activities here in Stittsville and area. Ringette Ontario…
City holding virtual town hall on COVID-19 – April 9, 2020
The City of Ottawa invites all residents to participate in the April 9 virtual Town Hall to address emerging concerns and questions on the COVID-19 pandemic. The town hall will…
Over 40 local restaurants at your finger tips offering take-out, pick-up and delivery – support our local restaurants!
Restaurants are hurting and the October 9th announcement just brought about more uncertainty for both owners and staff. With this in mind, Stittsville Central wants to support our local eateries and keep them up and running. We have updated our ‘spring’ list to now include over 40 restaurants just in our town and immediate area…
What is essential – changes coming into effect April 4 at midnight
(COVID-19 cell structure. Photo: Martin Sanchez, Unsplash) More workplaces are to close effective at 11:59 on April 4 says the Ontario Government to fight the beast we know as Coronavirus.…
Library closed but popular Storytime program goes online
(The Stittsville Public Library. Photo: Stittsville Central) The Ottawa Public Library (OPL) Storytime program is now available online. The program that provides live stories, songs and rhymes and you can…
April 6 – opening date for new COVID-19 care clinic in Bell’s Corners
For residents experiencing symptoms of a cough, fever and cold-like symptoms that can’t be managed from home will soon be receiving treatment of these mild symptoms. As its primary function, a new…
Stittsville businesses say tax deferral plan ‘just not good enough’
The local business community in Stittsville is working hard to continue serving customers and struggling to put in place measures to control the spread of Coronavirus as it ramps up.…
Things to do during a pandemic from a young person’s perspective
“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” — Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. With being…