Tag: Stittsville Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus FUNdraisers starting up to support local charities
The FUNdraisers organized by the Stittsville Knights of Columbus are beginning the season with their first market on Saturday, April 16 in the Holy Spirit Parish parking lot.
Indoor Christmas Market ‘FUNdraiser in the Hall’ November 20
The Knights of Columbus raised over $3,000.00 for community charities in Stittsville with their summer and fall FUNdraisers.
EVENT CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER Knights of Columbus hold their last FUNdraiser of August on the 29th
The Stittsville Knights of Columbus, along with Grand Knight, Joseph Carbonetto, should be extremely pleased with the amount of donations that have been raised throughout the month of August during their FUNdraiser in the Park market events.
Knights of Columbus fundraising for Sacred Heart student bursary
On August 22nd, the Knights of Columbus team can again be found at Stittsville Village Square (Main and Abbott Streets) for their Back-to-School market.
Diverse group of vendors supporting Chrysalis House at 2nd Knights of Columbus FUNdraiser
On Sunday, August 8, from 9:00am until 4:00pm, you can find 18 various vendors in the Park all providing donations to Chysalis House and the Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre.
The first FUNdraiser hosted by Knights of Columbus provides boost to Stittsville Food Bank
The first FUNdraiser outdoor market hosted by the Stittsville Knights of Columbus took place in Village Square Park on Sunday, July 18. Over 25 vendors participated…
Stittsville Knights of Columbus seeking vendors for Spring Love Local FUNdraiser
The Stittsville Knights of Columbus (SKoC) are pleased to be working with the City of Ottawa, The Stittsville Foodbank and Chrysalis House to offer a wonderful re-opening celebration for Stittsville…