Category: Gardening
COMMUNITY NOTES: from the desk of Councillor Gower
The Councillor explains the meaning of ‘affordable housing’ with a link to his website to read the full article. 1174 Carp Road is another proposed development coming to our community and there will be a public meeting…
Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society unveils 2024 photography competition winners
The high point at this time of year for SGHS is the judging of the stunning floral photographs submitted to their annual photography contest and this year was no different…
Focus, click and enter the annual Stittsville Goulbourn Horticulture Society photo competition
The 2024 SGHS photo competition deadline is quickly approaching. There are eight classes for entries this year and two entries per class are allowed. Photos will be judged on horticultural and photographic value…
Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society members brave the weather for their 2023 AGM
The next year promises to be full of informative speakers each month and some fun events. The annual photo contest is one that highlights the many talented photographers here in the community who…
What’s going on this weekend and upcoming week in Stittsville?
Fall has arrived, but the warm summer weather is hanging on – perfect for those fall outdoor activities. There are many events to enjoy this weekend and in the coming week.
Red wigglers are ‘smart as poop’ for your garden
The Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society learned a great deal about vermicomposting in September. Doreen Manley, founder of ‘Smart as Poop’ was the presenter and wriggled the audience through the process…
Wholesome return for volunteer work at Goulbourn Museum
Families will learn about the heritage vegetables and the history of community gardens, and best of all, get to take home the fruits of their labour! Pack a lunch and make this a fun and wholesome family activity and outing.
COMMUNITY NOTES: from the desk of Councillor Gower
This week, Councillor Gower focuses on firework safety and invites the community to celebrate Canada Day by participating in any of the numerous exciting events happening in Stittsville on July 1st.
Enthusiastic and caring volunteers rejuvenate the Poole Creek Amberwood garden
After Ross passed away, there was a need for the community to step up and support/maintain the garden. The call was sent out and the community answered.
WINNING PHOTOS: the results are in for the Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society photo competition
The 2023 photo competition for the Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society proved once again that we have so many talented photographers.
Deadline for entries to the Stittsville Goulbourn Horticulture Society photo contest quickly approaching
This year, the members are celebrating the ‘Canadian Year of the Garden’ with red being the predominant colour found in many gardens and that they would like to see in the photos being submitted…
60th Anniversary celebrated at Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society AGM
The Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society celebrates 60 years in 2022. The Society was founded on January 18,1962 by a handful of devoted and enthusiastic Stittsville gardeners under the banner name, Stittsville Horticultural Society.
The Poole Creek-Amberwood garden is put to bed for the winter
Started by the late Ross Connor over 30 years ago, the oriental themed garden is a legacy that lives on for the many walkers and cyclists of the Poole Creek Pathway.
Two Stittsville gardens blossom – placing first and second as Ottawa’s best home garden
The gardens entered for judging on the final list were all diverse in their design and content; each deserving of their win.
The volunteers continue their work grooming the gardens at Lee Boltwood Park
Last week from September 7-10, Brian Beattie, a member of the SGHS, retired and a photographer, spent a few hours each day at Lee Boltwood Park capturing the volunteers at work and the beauty of the flowers that are diligently being attended to.