Category: Real Estate
344 units proposed for apartment buildings on 21 Huntmar Drive
Ward 6 (Stittsville) Councillor Glen Gower recognizes that “there is a big demand for more rental apartments in Stittsville, and in the City’s master plans areas like this one on Hazeldean Road have long been intended for multi-storey buildings.”
Stittsville’s Land Boom: photos and history of a Fernbank Road home
Note: This article was written by Danny Kingsbury for his blog “DK Blog and Photography”. Danny has kindly allowed Stittsville Central to share his piece. (The feature photo was taken…
Claridge Homes proposing 112 townhomes for new development at 723 Putney Crescent
The City of Ottawa has received a Site Plan Control application from Claridge Homes (Westwood) Inc. for the vacant property at 723 Putney Crescent…
Community meeting updates for the Hazeldean Crossing development and Victor Street closure
A community meeting via zoom was held on February 22 for the construction that is taking place at the corner of Victor Street and Hazeldean Road. The meeting was hosted by Councillor Gower…
Amberwood Village Golf and Country Club housing proposal to be heard at Planning Committee January 14
In June 2020, the Amberwood Village Golf and Country Club held a vote with members at its Annual General Meeting to sell five lots adjacent to the golf course. The sale proceeds would be reinvested…
Mattamy Homes phase 8 application received by city
Fotenn Planning + Design has submitted applications to the City for the last phase (Phase 8) of Mattamy’s Fairwinds subdivision plan and a Minor Zoning By-law Amendment.
Kizell Management reactivates application for 5618 Hazeldean Road
Novatech submitted a proposed development application in 2016 on behalf of Kizell Management for 5618 Hazeldean Road. Having been on hold since 2016, the application was updated in December 2019 and reactivated.
There are options for affordable home ownership in Stittsville
Phil Sweetnam is the owner of PBC Sweetnam Holdings and offers an option for home ownership for first-time home buyers or for those looking to downsize.
What do Santa, donuts and real estate have in common – the Stittsville Food Bank of course
The idea was sparked by the Chris Scott Real Estate team in Stittsville – raise funds for the Stittsville Food Bank in lieu of their annual ‘epic’ Christmas client party.
Rejuvenation of Stittsville Main continues with new development: The Station
There is an unstoppable tide of change coming to Stittsville Main Street with new developments and businesses announcing their arrival. The newest development is slated for the recently cleared lot on Stittsville Main beside the Trans-Canada Trail.
Developer re-submits application for 130 Huntmar Drive
A revised development submission for 130 Huntmar has been received by the the City. The submission included a proposed Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision…
Official ground breaking ceremony for Stittsville’s Switzer on Main
The damp weather of September 30, 2020 did not take away from the enthusiastic crowd who gathered for the ground breaking ceremony of the new development – Switzer on Main.
The Amberwood Village Golf and Country Club vote to sell five building lots
Amberwood Village Golf and Country Club (AVGCC) held their virtual Annual General Meeting two weeks ago. At that meeting the members voted unanimously to support a motion required by the…
Could 18 storeys be coming to 1000 Robert Grant Avenue neighbourhood?
(City of Ottawa Planner, Kathy Rygus, addresses the crowd at the 1000 Robert Grant Lépine Corporation community meeting – March 3, 2020) An estimated 140 residents and city staff gathered…
March 3 community meeting set for 1000 Robert Grant Avenue
(Artist rendering of the aerial view of the 1000 Robert Grant and Livery Street development proposed by the Lépine Corporation – Architects: NEUF.) The Lépine Corporation has rescheduled the the…