Tag: hazeldean
NOTEBOOK: Keg restaurant could arrive as soon as November 30
One of the most-visited articles in the StittsvilleCentral.ca archives is about a proposal to build a Keg restaurant on the corner of Hazeldean and Huntmar. And one of the most…
PHOTO: Setting sun / Carp River / Hazeldean Road
Photo by Liz Hall. Looking towards Hazeldean Road and the Carp River. “The setting sun goes a long way to improving the view!” (We love seeing photos from in and…
LETTER: A little house on Hazeldean
(EDITOR’S NOTE: It was a year ago this week that I joined several community members at a Planning Committee meeting at Ottawa City Hall to oppose Richcraft’s proposal to move…
Hazeldean farmer Eldon Craig passes away at age 91
(PHOTO: Bradley-Craig barn, March 2016. Photo by Barry Gray.) Eldon Craig farmed at the Bradley-Craig farm on Hazeldean Road with his wife Norma for 58 years. He passed away at…
New Ultramar officially opens on Hazeldean
(PHOTO: Kelly O’Reilly, Area manager, CST, Inc.; Corey Bovin, Assistant manager; Pierre Poilievre, MP Carleton; Ember Forbes, Manager; Shad Qadri, City Councillor and Bill McQuillan, Zone Manager, CST Inc.) (press…
NOTEBOOK: Parking goes underground on Hazeldean
Can you imagine a Hazeldean Road development with more parkland than parking?
Car dealership proposed for Hazeldean Road at Sweetnam
The City of Ottawa has received a site plan control application to build an automotive dealership at 5835 Hazeldean Road. The property is located on the north side of Hazeldean, across from…
City seeks feedback on new commemorative park names
(PHOTO: The City is proposing changing the name of Bell Memorial Park on Stittsville Main Street “W.J. Bell Rotary Peace Park”. This photo is from the opening ceremonies for the…
PHOTO: Stittsville sunrise
Stittsville sunrise, looking east down Hazeldean from Johnwoods. Photo by Rob Wilson. (We love seeing photos of our community. Please send your best pics to us at feedback@stittsvillecentral.ca)
What’s up with the gas station on Hazeldean?
Construction is underway for a gas station at the corner of Hazeldean and Hartin. I’ve seen a few questions from residents about the development: what exactly is going in there?…
NOTEBOOK: West Ridge speeding, Porter Place, Carp-Hazeldean intersection
Tweets from the Ottawa Police via @opswesttraffic often leave me flabbergasted, like this one on Wednesday… I guess the driver must have been on a really tight deadline?
Two new buildings proposed for Shoppes at Fairwinds
The City of Ottawa has received a site plan proposal for two new buildings in the Shoppes at Fairwinds shopping area, at 5705 Hazeldean in front of the Food…
Long-term care facility and apartments proposed for Hazeldean near Huntmar
There’s a new site plan proposal for 5731 Hazeldean Road, on the north side of the street just west of Huntmar. According to the proposal submitted by Stantec, on behalf of…
UPDATE: No attempt to cover up Hazeldean bridge report, say councillors
When we published an engineering report last month on why the Hazeldean bridge failed, it was the first time Councillor Shad Qadri or Councillor Allan Hubley had ever seen the document. Hubley,…
Robbery charges laid following swarming at Eagleson and Hazeldean
(press release from the Ottawa Police) The Ottawa Police Service Robbery Unit is investigating a swarming that occurred overnight and has charged two young persons. On April 3, 2016, at…