Category: Nature & Environment
COMMUNITY NOTES: from the desk of Councillor Gower
Councillor Gower shares information and additional details for the upcoming change for the garbage collection limit that begins on September 30th; he invites residents to register for this week’s community zoning by-law information session…
COMMUNITY NOTES: from the desk of Councillor Gower
CARDELREC is temporarily closed until October 14 – the Stittsville ward office will also be closed during this time, so we’ve temporarily set up shop at the Stittsville library.
Share the joy of outer space in September with Lucy Hambly
As usual, September will provide many chances for astronomy lovers to learn more about the night sky.
Mother Nature disrupts the sunflower season at Sultan Farm and Sanctuary
With the rainy summer, much of the sunflower field soil has been left sodden with pooled water still lying in the field so sadly the Sultan’s made the decision to close their field for this season.
Ottawa Public Health – Protect yourself from mosquitoes to reduce risk of eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV)
A horse in Ottawa has recently tested positive for EEEV and OPH’s West Nile virus prevention program has confirmed two human cases of WNV this season.
The fall Cleaning the Capital registration is open
Show your civic pride and join the thousands of community volunteers that help keep Ottawa clean and green as part of the Cleaning the Capital Fall campaign! Register your cleanup project first…
Be a Wild Child this August – Roar against climate change!
The Festival of the Wild Child is a fun family event designed to encourage children of all ages to explore, understand, appreciate, and get hands-on with the natural world.
COMMUNITY NOTES: from the desk of Councillor Gower
With the long weekend behind us, Councillor Gower sharing community information on upcoming meetings, news and events in the Stittsville community.
Encouraging all Canadians to “leaf” a mark during Tree Check Month
In August, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) urges Canadians to participate in Tree Check Month by inspecting their own backyard for invasive pests.
COMMUNITY NOTES: from the desk of Councillor Gower
This week, Councillor Gower addresses the many concerns that residents have expressed with regard to the intersection located at Shea and Flewellyn Roads.
The Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority wants to hear from you
Sally McIntyre, the General Manager of the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA), is asking residents to provide feedback enabling the MVCA to develop a Land Conservation Strategy.
COMMUNITY NOTES: from the desk of Councillor Gower
With the Canada Day long weekend over, Councillor Gower shares his updates for the following week and future news and events. The city wants to hear from you on…
Wildlife groups support wildlife strategy after critical changes made to staff report
(Every year, Dr. Roly Armitage who recently passed away, would pay tribute to the importance of beavers in our local wetlands with a Canadian flag proudly displayed on a beaver…
Wildlife organization calls on city councillors to override staff report in favour of a non-lethal wildlife strategy with public accountability
Perhaps most concerning in the draft report is the lack of public engagement, oversight and accountability that is essential for an effective wildlife strategy.
Photos: The past week’s captured moments
Stittsville was the place to be this past week. Filled with events, people, displays and a rare atmospheric effect over Stittsville…